Ryan Aldred

About me

I'm a Canadian Frontend Engineer that's been working at Shopify for over 5 years.In that time I've gone from answering the phone and doing chat support to contributing code that helps powers ~10% of global ecommerce.


  1. A) I joined Shopify Support
  2. B) I got promoted to Theme Support after the covid-era hiring freeze ended
  3. C) I started secondment as Developer for Shop Promise
  4. D) Shopify lays off 10% of the company
  5. E) Shopify lays off 20% of the company, I got promoted to Developer for Shop Promise

I put this chart together to highlight my journey at Shopify. In particular this chart displays 1) my ability to persue big goals for extended periods of time as I moved from general support to developer, 2) stay focused on the mission throughout turbulent market conditions (560% run up and an 85% drawdown in share price), and 3) excel during hardtimes by becoming a developer after a 10% and 20% company wide layoff all the while Shopify's Gross Merchadise Value (GMV) steadily increased over time.

About this website

I built this website using Remix and Tailwind and deployed it to Cloudflare Workers.This site runs on Cloudflare's free tier since it get so little traffic.That's right...You're looking at a fullstack React app, running on globably distrutributed serverless infrastructure with sub-second latency for free!Go look it up on Pingdom for yourself

And you can expect this kind of ingenuity in everything I do.


  • Typescript
  • React
  • Capable of contributing to a range of TypeScript and React frontends that are the face of a 12 figure business and power ~10% of global ecommerce

Other competencies

  • Can read technical documentation and use LLMs without having an existential crisis
  • @solana/web3.js
  • Helius RPC
  • Graphql
  • Ruby On Rail
  • SQL querying

Tools used

  • Node.js
  • Bun.js
  • Git
  • Prompting
  • Graphite
  • Slack
  • Big Query
  • Goggle Cloud Platform